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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 |
find your theme |
Theme There is a theme in each opus And in the theme joy and sorrow echo in turns When one has captured the clear cut shape Of the theme An unparalleled masterpiece may be born
There are themes to human life And when one has discovered his own particular theme And s an actor given it the fullest expression, A mighty dream may be born This thing called life- With sweat and thoughtfulness, As a novelist writes a novel, With sweat and perseverance, As a painter plies his brush, Seated before the blank paper of the instant And the future, One creates a new portrait of oneself- It is a vigorous task to be engaged Daisaku Ikeda
This is a poem that I think everyone should internalise. But I place this message with the girl child in mind. I stress this because I believe the girl has a huge burden placed on her and her role in the development of society has been greatly undermined and limited. There is a theme in each and every one of us. We are all here for a purpose; we all have unique talents and skills. It is important for which one to have dreams or at least a dream. The journey to the fulfilment of these dreams is not easy. The process of sharpening these talents will not be smooth. There will be ups and downs. So do don’t quickly give up when faced with a low period in life. The low periods are there to make us appreciate the high periods in life. Once we capture the clear cut shape of our dreams and talents and work on perfecting them as much as is humanly possible, we will be an unparalleled masterpieces. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs we will have reached self actualisation. We will have found our purpose in life, and thus be able to appreciate life and help others discover themselves. Its called living life the fullest. The tricky part is discovering your dreams and talent. One needs to pay close attention to ones self. Discover your strengths and acknowledge your weaknesses. Once you have discovered your strengths give them the fullest expression. All this as the poet plainly yet vividly puts, requires sweat and perseverance. It is a life long commitment; it is living life. |
posted by milayetu @ 11:41 PM  |
Nam myoho renge kyo!!
Thank you for that poem; it says alot about life and how to live it.
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Nam myoho renge kyo!!
Thank you for that poem; it says alot about life and how to live it.