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Monday, June 19, 2006 |
It is amazing and scary to see how our leaders are handling issues as important as the sex bill. It is sad that some find humor in it. It was depressing to hear that there are some MP's who are planning to shoot down the sex bill. One is left wondering do such people have close female friends, or mothers, or sisters, or wives, or daughters!! I mean how could a person in his or her right senses not support this bill. Some say that when women say no they normally mean yes, does that apply to a woman who is being raped. When she screams and says no does these mean yes. Perhaps they should come out and say under what situations women say no when they mean yes. They seem to understand women better. Small boys are being sodomised, young girls and women are getting raped, women are loosing their jobs and failing to get promotions. Who in their right senses would want to shoot down this bill? Which sane person would not support this bill? The bill is long overdue. The sex bill is not there to undermine men, it is there to protect the women, and make sure they are operating in an environment, which is equally as safe for them as that of men. I agree the bill has to follow a certain procedure before it becomes law, I agree that there are issues that some may feel there is need for a debate, it’s a democratic country. After all no human can created something perfect. But we need this bill; we need such laws, if we want to say that we are operating in a safe society without gender bias. |
posted by milayetu @ 6:41 AM  |
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