A Site For Readers!
Friday, May 19, 2006 |
Some may argue that literature does not have anything to do with politics. How wrong they are literature has everything to do not only with politics but with everything else. Literature is a library of all subjects. Therefore being a lover of literature I feel compelled to talk about politics focusing on corruption and the fight against it. I believe there is no country that can rightfully say that corruption does not exist in there systems. What differs is the degree of it, and Kenya is very high on it. Political leaders claim to be leading the fight against corruption but I believe this is just lip service. The same politicians who made corruption so rampant, all over sudden want to fight it! Committees and organizations have been formed to fight corruption, but surely what progress has been made so far, or are they formed to just confuse the common man. The government is looking at the small dot in the big white wall and they are pretending not to notice the wall in general How do you tell an underpaid man not to receive a bribe! How do you tell a man who has been looking for a job for years not to bribe to get a job when an opportunity presents itself! How do you tell a poor man with wives and children, or a widow with children not to accept money from politicians during campaigns! A starved man will do anything to get food. If the government is really serious in fighting corruption let it provide the basic needs to its citizens, at least the current goverment is taking initiative. |
posted by milayetu @ 6:54 AM  |
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