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Wednesday, February 07, 2007 |
Beloved; Toni Morrison. |
I had formed a habbit of confining myself to African writers, but I am begining to break out of my shell. I recently read Toni Morrison's book Beloved. She is a renowned African American writer. My brother tried reading it but gave up on the grounds that it was too complicated for him. I agree it is not the easiest book to read but it is a beautiful story. It adresses the theme of slavery in America and the challenges slaves met especially sexual abuse. Especially among the women. There is also the theme of "spiritism" for lack of a better term. I would also put it in the same category as Buchi Emecheta's; Joys of Motherhood. (I just love that book). One of the major themes they share is the irnony of the joys of motherhood. The language Toni Morrison uses in this book is not so simple. One has to really concentrate to get the story (this is just my view). She dedicated this book to, those slaves to died on transit from Africa to the States. It is believed there were over a million slaves. The book worn a pulitzer price and was acted in 1988, starring Oprah Winfrey. The central figure in the book is Sethe, a mother who tries to murder her children to protect them from a life of slavery. She succeeds in killing one. To her death is far better than a life a slavery. The baby who is killed comes back to haunt her. The baby was not named but her Grave side was inscribed Beloved, Sethe did not have the money to write Dearly Beloved. The story is simply thrilling. It took me several days to finish the book, but it was worth it. I am currently trying to get a hold on Zola Hurston's book Their eyes were watching god. |
posted by milayetu @ 3:40 AM  |
What aspects of motherhood does Morrison explore in Beloved?
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What aspects of motherhood does Morrison explore in Beloved?